Source code for disropt.algorithms.consensus

import numpy as np
import time
import warnings
import random
from typing import List, Tuple
from ..agents import Agent
from .algorithm import Algorithm

[docs]class Consensus(Algorithm): """Consensus Algorithm [OlSa07]_ From the perspective of agent :math:`i` the algorithm works as follows. For :math:`k=0,1,\\dots` .. math:: x_i^{k+1} = \sum_{j=1}^N w_{ij} x_j^k where :math:`x_i\\in\\mathbb{R}^n`. The weight matrix :math:`W=[w_{ij}]` should be doubly-stochastic in order to have convergence to the average of the local initial conditions. If :math:`W` is row-stochastic convergence is still attained but at a different point. Other type of matrices can be used, but convergence is not guaranteed. Also time-varying graphs can be adopted. Args: agent (Agent): agent to execute the algorithm initial_condition (numpy.ndarray): initial condition enable_log (bool): True for enabling log Attributes: agent (Agent): agent to execute the algorithm x0 (numpy.ndarray): initial condition x (numpy.ndarray): current value of the local solution shape (tuple): shape of the variable x_neigh (dict): dictionary containing the local solution of the (in-)neighbors enable_log (bool): True for enabling log """ def __init__(self, agent: Agent, initial_condition: np.ndarray, enable_log: bool=False): super(Consensus, self).__init__(agent, enable_log) self.x0 = initial_condition self.x = initial_condition self.shape = self.x.shape self.x_neigh = {} def _update_local_solution(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs): """update the local solution Args: x: new value Raises: TypeError: Input must be a numpy.ndarray ValueError: Incompatible shapes """ if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Input must be a numpy.ndarray") if x.shape != self. x0.shape: raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes") self.x = x
[docs] def iterate_run(self, **kwargs): """Run a single iterate of the algorithm """ data = self.agent.neighbors_exchange(self.x) for neigh in data: self.x_neigh[neigh] = data[neigh] x_avg = self.agent.in_weights[] * self.x for i in self.agent.in_neighbors: x_avg += self.agent.in_weights[i] * self.x_neigh[i] self._update_local_solution(x_avg, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self, iterations: int=100, verbose: bool=False, **kwargs): """Run the algorithm for a given number of iterations Args: iterations: Number of iterations. Defaults to 100. verbose: If True print some information during the evolution of the algorithm. Defaults to False. """ if not isinstance(iterations, int): raise TypeError("iterations must be an int") if self.enable_log: dims = [iterations] for dim in self.x.shape: dims.append(dim) self.sequence = np.zeros(dims) for k in range(iterations): self.iterate_run(**kwargs) if self.enable_log: self.sequence[k] = self.x if verbose: if == 0: print('Iteration {}'.format(k), end="\r") if self.enable_log: return self.sequence
[docs] def get_result(self): """Return the actual value of x Returns: numpy.ndarray: value of x """ return self.x
[docs]class AsynchronousConsensus(Algorithm): """ Asynchronous Consensus Algorithm From the perspective of agent :math:`i` the algorithm works as follows. When agent :math:`i` gets awake it updates its local solution as .. math:: x_i \\gets \sum_{j\\in\\mathcal{N}_i} w_{ij} x_{j\\mid i} where :math:`\\mathcal{N}_i` is the current set of in-neighbors and :math:`x_{j\\mid i},j\\in\\mathcal{N}_i` is the local copy of :math:`x_j` available at node :math:`i` (which can be outdated, due to asynchrony, computation time and link failures). Args: agent: agent to execute the algorithm initial_condition: initial condition enable_log: True for enabling log. Defaults to False. force_sleep: True if one wanst to force sleep after the computation phase. Defaults to False. maximum_sleep: Maximum allowed sleep. Defaults to 0.01. sleep_type: Type of sleep time("constant", "random"). Defaults to "random". force_computation_time: True if one want sto force length computation phase. Defaults to False. maximum_computation_time: Maximum allowed computation time. Defaults to 0.01. computation_time_type: Type of computation time ("constant", "random"). Defaults to "random". force_unreliable_links: True if one wants to force unreliable links. Defaults to False. link_failure_probability: Probability of incoming links failure. Defaults to 0. Attributes: agent (Agent): agent to execute the algorithm x0 (numpy.ndarray): initial condition x (numpy.ndarray): current value of the local solution shape (tuple): shape of the variable x_neigh (dict): dictionary containing the local solution of the (in-)neighbors enable_log (bool): True for enabling log timestamp_sequence_awake ( list ): list of timestamps at which node get awake timestamp_sequence_sleep ( list ): list of timestamps at which node go to sleep force_sleep: True if one wanst to force sleep after the computation phase. Defaults to False. maximum_sleep: Maximum allowed sleep. Defaults to 0.01. sleep_type: Type of sleep time("constant", "random"). Defaults to "random". force_computation_time: True if one want sto force length computation phase. Defaults to False. maximum_computation_time: Maximum allowed computation time. Defaults to 0.01. computation_time_type: Type of computation time ("constant", "random"). Defaults to "random". force_unreliable_links: True if one wants to force unreliable links. Defaults to False. link_failure_probability: Probability of incoming links failure. Defaults to 0. """ def __init__(self, agent: Agent, initial_condition: np.ndarray, enable_log: bool = False, force_sleep: bool = False, maximum_sleep: float = 0.01, sleep_type: str = "random", force_computation_time: bool = False, maximum_computation_time: float = 0.01, computation_time_type: str = "random", force_unreliable_links: bool = False, link_failure_probability: float = 0): super(AsynchronousConsensus, self).__init__(agent, enable_log) self.x0 = initial_condition self.x = initial_condition self.shape = self.x.shape self.x_neigh = {} if force_sleep: if sleep_type not in ("constant", "random"): raise ValueError("sleep_type can be constant or random") if force_computation_time: if computation_time_type not in ("constant", "random"): raise ValueError("computation_time_type can be constant or random") self.enable_log = enable_log self.force_sleep = force_sleep self.maximum_sleep = maximum_sleep self.sleep_type = sleep_type self.force_computation_time = force_computation_time self.maximum_computation_time = maximum_computation_time self.computation_time_type = computation_time_type self.force_unreliable_links = force_unreliable_links self.link_failure_probability = link_failure_probability self.timestamp_sequence_awake = None self.timestamp_sequence_sleep = None def _update_local_solution(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs): """update the local solution Args: x: new value Raises: TypeError: Input must be a numpy.ndarray ValueError: Incompatible shapes """ if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Input must be a numpy.ndarray") if x.shape != self. x0.shape: raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes") self.x = x
[docs] def iterate_run(self, **kwargs): """Run a single iterate """ data = self.agent.neighbors_receive_asynchronous() if self.enable_log: self.timestamp_sequence_awake.append(time.time()) for neigh in data: self.x_neigh[neigh] = data[neigh] if self.force_computation_time: start_wait_time = time.time() if not self.force_unreliable_links: x_avg = self.agent.in_weights[] * self.x for i in self.agent.in_neighbors: x_avg += self.agent.in_weights[i] * self.x_neigh[i] else: warnings.warn("when forcing link failures, all neighbors are given the same weight") neighbors = [] for neigh in self.agent.in_neighbors: rnd = random.uniform(0, 1) if rnd > self.link_failure_probability: neighbors.append(neigh) weight = 1.0/(len(neighbors) + 1) x_avg = weight * self.x for i in neighbors: x_avg += weight * self.x_neigh[i] self._update_local_solution(x_avg, **kwargs) # save sequence if self.enable_log: self.sequence = np.vstack([self.sequence, self.x.reshape(self.dims)]) # force computation time if requested if self.force_computation_time: if self.computation_time_type == "random": wait_time = random.uniform(0, self.maximum_computation_time) elif self.computation_time_type == "constant": wait_time = self.maximum_computation_time remaining_wait_time = wait_time - (time.time() - start_wait_time) if remaining_wait_time < 0: warnings.warn("requested computation time cannot be guaranteed") else: time.sleep(remaining_wait_time) self.agent.neighbors_send(self.x) if self.enable_log: self.timestamp_sequence_sleep.append(time.time())
[docs] def run(self, running_time: float = 5.0): """Run the asynchronous consensus algorithm for a certain amount of time Args: running_time: Total run time. Defaults to 5.0. Returns: tuple: timestamp_sequence_awake, timestamp_sequence_sleep, sequence """ if not isinstance(running_time, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Running time must be a float") if self.enable_log: dims = [1] for dim in self.x.shape: dims.append(dim) self.dims = dims self.sequence = np.zeros(dims) self.sequence[0] = self.x self.timestamp_sequence_awake = [time.time()] self.timestamp_sequence_sleep = [time.time()] # Exchange all data at the beginning data = self.agent.neighbors_exchange(self.x) for neigh in data: self.x_neigh[neigh] = data[neigh] # Then go asyncrhronous start_time = time.time() end_time = start_time + running_time while time.time() < end_time: self.iterate_run() # force a sleep time if requested if self.force_sleep: start_sleep_time = time.time() if self.sleep_type == "random": sleep_time = random.uniform(0, self.maximum_sleep) elif self.sleep_type == "constant": sleep_time = self.maximum_sleep remaining_sleep_time = sleep_time - \ (time.time() - start_sleep_time) if remaining_sleep_time < 0: warnings.warn("requested delay cannot be guaranteed") else: time.sleep(remaining_sleep_time) if self.enable_log: return self.timestamp_sequence_awake, \ self.timestamp_sequence_sleep, \ self.sequence
[docs] def get_result(self): """Return the actual value of x Returns: numpy.ndarray: value of x """ return self.x
[docs]class BlockConsensus(Algorithm): """Block-wise consensus [FaNo19]_ At each iteration, the agent can update its local estimate or not at each iteration according to a certain probability (awakening_probability). From the perspective of agent :math:`i` the algorithm works as follows. At iteration :math:`k` if the agent is awake, it selects a random block :math:`\\ell_i^k` of its local solution and updates .. math:: x_{i,\\ell}^{k+1} = \\begin{cases} \\sum_{j\\in\\mathcal{N}_i} w_{ij} x_{j\\mid i,\\ell}^k & \\text{if} \\ell = \\ell_i^k \\\\ x_{i,\\ell}^{k} & \\text{otherwise} \\end{cases} where :math:`\\mathcal{N}_i` is the current set of in-neighbors and :math:`x_{j\\mid i},j\\in\\mathcal{N}_i` is the local copy of :math:`x_j` available at node :math:`i` and :math:`x_{i,\\ell}` denotes the :math:`\\ell`-th block of :math:`x_i`. Otherwise :math:`x_{i}^{k+1}=x_i^k`. Args: agent: agent to execute the algorithm initial_condition: initial condition enable_log: True for enabling log blocks_list: the list of blocks (list of tuples) probabilities: list of probabilities of drawing each block awakening_probability: probability of getting awake at each iteration """ def __init__(self, agent: Agent, initial_condition: np.ndarray, enable_log: bool = False, blocks_list: List[Tuple] = None, probabilities: List[float] = None, awakening_probability: float = 1.0): super(BlockConsensus, self).__init__(agent, enable_log) if (not isinstance(initial_condition, np.ndarray)) or \ (len(initial_condition.shape) != 2) or \ (initial_condition.shape[1] != 1): raise ValueError("Initial condition must be a numpy.ndarray with shape (Any, 1)") self.x0 = initial_condition self.x = initial_condition self.shape = self.x.shape self.x_neigh = {} if blocks_list is not None: if not isinstance(blocks_list, list): raise ValueError("blocks_list argument, if provided, must be a list of tuples") items = 0 for item in blocks_list: if not isinstance(item, tuple): raise ValueError("blocks_list argument, if provided, must be a list of tuples") items += len(item) self.blocks_list = blocks_list if items != self.shape[0]: warnings.warn("Not all elements have been included in blocks_list") else: self.blocks_list = list(range(self.shape[0])) self.blocks_number = len(self.blocks_list) if probabilities is not None: if isinstance(probabilities, list): for i in probabilities: if not isinstance(i, float): raise ValueError("probabilities argument, if provided, must be a list of float") else: raise ValueError("probabilities argument, if provided, must be a list of float") if len(probabilities) != len(self.blocks_list): raise ValueError("blocks_list and probabilities arguments have different lengths") if np.sum(probabilities) != 1.0: raise ValueError("probabilities must sum to 1") self.probabilities = probabilities else: self.probabilities = (np.ones(self.shape).flatten()/self.shape[0]).tolist() if isinstance(awakening_probability, float) and (0 <= awakening_probability <= 1): self.awakening_probability = awakening_probability else: raise ValueError("awakening_probability must be a float in [0,1]") def _update_local_solution(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs): """update the local solution Args: x: new value Raises: TypeError: Input must be a numpy.ndarray ValueError: Incompatible shapes """ if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Input must be a numpy.ndarray") if x.shape != self. x0.shape: raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes") self.x = x
[docs] def iterate_run(self, **kwargs): """Run a single iterate of the algorithm """ awake = random.uniform(0, 1) if awake <= self.awakening_probability: selected_index = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.blocks_number), p=self.probabilities) selected_block = self.blocks_list[selected_index] if isinstance(selected_block, int): selected_block = (selected_block, ) packet_send = {'block': selected_block, 'data': self.x[list(selected_block)]} data = self.agent.neighbors_exchange(packet_send) for neigh in data: received_block = data[neigh]['block'] received_data = data[neigh]['data'] try: self.x_neigh[neigh][list(received_block)] = received_data except KeyError: self.x_neigh[neigh] = np.zeros(self.shape) self.x_neigh[neigh][list(received_block)] = received_data x_avg = self.agent.in_weights[] * self.x for i in self.agent.in_neighbors: x_avg += self.agent.in_weights[i] * self.x_neigh[i] self._update_local_solution(x_avg, selected_block=selected_block, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self, iterations: int=100, verbose: bool=False): """Run the algorithm for a given number of iterations Args: iterations: Number of iterations. Defaults to 100. verbose: If True print some information during the evolution of the algorithm. Defaults to False. """ if not isinstance(iterations, int): raise TypeError("iterations must be an int") if self.enable_log: dims = [iterations] for dim in self.x.shape: dims.append(dim) self.sequence = np.zeros(dims) for k in range(iterations): self.iterate_run() if self.enable_log: self.sequence[k] = self.x if verbose: if == 0: print('Iteration {}'.format(k), end="\r") if self.enable_log: return self.sequence
[docs] def get_result(self): """Return the actual value of x Returns: numpy.ndarray: value of x """ return self.x
[docs]class PushSumConsensus(Algorithm): """Push-Sum Consensus Algorithm From the perspective of agent :math:`i` the algorithm works as follows. For :math:`k=0,1,\\dots` .. math:: x_i^{k+1} &= \\sum_{j=1}^N w_{ij} x_j^k y_i^{k+1} &= \\sum_{j=1}^N w_{ij} y_j^k z_i^{k+1} &= \\frac{x_i^{k+1}}{y_i^{k+1}} where :math:`x_i\\in\\mathbb{R}^n`. The weight matrix :math:`W=[w_{ij}]` should be column-stochastic in order to let :math:`z_i^k` converge to the average of the local initial conditions. Also time-varying graphs can be adopted. Args: agent (Agent): agent to execute the algorithm initial_condition (numpy.ndarray): initial condition enable_log (bool): True for enabling log Attributes: agent (Agent): agent to execute the algorithm z0 (numpy.ndarray): initial condition z (numpy.ndarray): current value of the local solution shape (tuple): shape of the variable x_neigh (dict): dictionary containing the x values of the (in-)neighbors y_neigh (dict): dictionary containing the y values of the (in-)neighbors enable_log (bool): True for enabling log """ def __init__(self, agent: Agent, initial_condition: np.ndarray, enable_log: bool=False): super(PushSumConsensus, self).__init__(agent, enable_log) self.z0 = initial_condition self.x = initial_condition self.z = initial_condition self.y = np.ones(initial_condition.shape) self.shape = self.z0.shape self.x_neigh = {} self.y_neigh = {} def _update_x_average(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs): if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Input must be a numpy.ndarray") if x.shape != self.x.shape: raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes") self.x = x def _update_y_average(self, y: np.ndarray, **kwargs): if not isinstance(y, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Input must be a numpy.ndarray") if y.shape != self.y.shape: raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes") self.y = y def _update_local_solution(self, z: np.ndarray, **kwargs): """update the local solution Args: x: new value Raises: TypeError: Input must be a numpy.ndarray ValueError: Incompatible shapes """ if not isinstance(z, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Input must be a numpy.ndarray") if z.shape != self.z.shape: raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes") self.z = z
[docs] def iterate_run(self, **kwargs): """Run a single iterate of the algorithm """ # # in # data = self.agent.neighbors_exchange(self.x) # for neigh in data: # self.x_neigh[neigh] = data[neigh] # x_avg = self.agent.in_weights[] * self.x # for i in self.agent.in_neighbors: # x_avg += self.agent.in_weights[i] * self.x_neigh[i] # x average send_data = {} for j in self.agent.out_neighbors: send_data[j] = self.agent.out_weights[j] * self.x data = self.agent.neighbors_exchange(send_data, dict_neigh=True) for neigh in data: self.x_neigh[neigh] = data[neigh] x_avg = self.agent.out_weights[] * self.x for i in self.agent.in_neighbors: x_avg += self.x_neigh[i] self._update_x_average(x_avg, **kwargs) # y average send_data = {} for j in self.agent.out_neighbors: send_data[j] = self.agent.out_weights[j] * self.y data = self.agent.neighbors_exchange(send_data, dict_neigh=True) for neigh in data: self.y_neigh[neigh] = data[neigh] y_avg = self.agent.out_weights[] * self.y for i in self.agent.in_neighbors: y_avg += self.y_neigh[i] self._update_y_average(y_avg, **kwargs) # aggregate z = self.x/self.y self._update_local_solution(z)
[docs] def run(self, iterations: int=100, verbose: bool=False, **kwargs): """Run the algorithm for a given number of iterations Args: iterations: Number of iterations. Defaults to 100. verbose: If True print some information during the evolution of the algorithm. Defaults to False. """ if not isinstance(iterations, int): raise TypeError("iterations must be an int") if self.enable_log: dims = [iterations] for dim in self.x.shape: dims.append(dim) self.sequence = np.zeros(dims) for k in range(iterations): self.iterate_run(**kwargs) if self.enable_log: self.sequence[k] = self.x if verbose: if == 0: print('Iteration {}'.format(k), end="\r") if self.enable_log: return self.sequence
[docs] def get_result(self): """Return the actual value of x Returns: numpy.ndarray: value of x """ return self.z