Source code for disropt.algorithms.constraintexchange

import numpy as np
from ..agents import Agent
from .algorithm import Algorithm
from ..problems import Problem, LinearProblem
from ..functions import QuadraticForm, Variable
from itertools import combinations
from typing import Tuple
from threading import Event

# TODO simplify code and add more detailed comments to methods
[docs]class ConstraintsConsensus(Algorithm): """Constraints Consensus Algorithm [NoBu11]_ This algorithm solves convex and abstract programs in the form .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{split} \min_{x} \: & \: c^\\top x \\\\ \mathrm{subj. to} \: & \: x\\in \\bigcap_{i=1}^{N} X_i \\\\ & \: x \ge 0 \\end{split} Attributes: x (numpy.ndarray): current value of the local solution B (numpy.ndarray): basis associated to the local solution shape (tuple): shape of the variable x_neigh (dict): dictionary containing the local solution of the (in-)neighbors sequence_x (numpy.ndarray): sequence of local solutions Args: agent (Agent): agent to execute the algorithm enable_log (bool): True to enable log """ def __init__(self, agent: Agent, enable_log: bool = False): # initialize variables self.agent = agent self.enable_log = enable_log self.sequence_x = None self.shape = self.agent.problem.input_shape self.x_neigh = {} # initialize optimization variable and basis self.x = self.agent.problem.solve() self.B = self.compute_basis(self.agent.problem.constraints)
[docs] def get_basis(self): """Return agent basis """ return self.B
[docs] def compute_basis(self, constraints): """Compute a (minimal) basis for the given constraint list """ # remove redundant constraints constraints_unique = self.unique_constr(constraints) # find active constraints active_constr = [] for con in constraints_unique: # try: val = con.function.eval(self.x) # except: if abs(val) < 1e-5: active_constr.append(con) # enumerating the possible combinations with d+1 constraints basis = active_constr for cand_basis_tuple in combinations(active_constr, np.max(self.shape) + 1): # convert candidate basis to list cand_basis = list(cand_basis_tuple) # solve problem with this candidate basis prob = Problem(self.agent.problem.objective_function, cand_basis) try: solution = prob.solve() if np.array_equal(solution, self.x): # we have found a basis, break cycle basis = cand_basis break except: pass return basis
[docs] def unique_constr(self, constraints): """Remove redundant constraints from given constraint list """ # initialize shrunk list of constraints con_shrink = [] # cycle over given constraints for con in constraints: if not con_shrink: con_shrink.append(con) else: check_equal = np.zeros((len(con_shrink), 1)) # TODO: use numpy array_equal # cycle over already added constraints for idx, con_y in enumerate(con_shrink): if self.compare_constr(con_y, con): check_equal[idx] = 1 n_zero = np.count_nonzero(check_equal) # add constraint if different from all the others if n_zero == 0: con_shrink.append(con) return con_shrink
[docs] def compare_constr(self, a, b): """Compare two constraints to check whether they are equal """ # test for affine constraints if (a.is_affine and b.is_affine): A_a, b_a = a.get_parameters() A_b, b_b = b.get_parameters() if np.array_equal(A_a, A_b) and np.array_equal(b_a, b_b): return True else: return False # test for quadratic constraints elif (a.is_quadratic and b.is_quadratic): P_a, q_a, r_a = a.get_parameters() P_b, q_b, r_b = b.get_parameters() if np.array_equal(P_a, P_b) and np.array_equal(q_a, q_b) and np.array_equal(r_a, r_b): return True else: return False else: return False
[docs] def constr_to_dict(self, constraints): """Convert constraint list to dictionary """ con_dict = {} for key, con in enumerate(constraints): if con.is_affine: A, b = con.get_parameters() con_dict[key] = {"kind": "affine", "sign": con.sign, "Amat": A, "bmat": b} if con.is_quadratic: P, q, r = con.get_parameters() con_dict[key] = {"kind": "quadratic", "sign": con.sign, "Pmat": P, "qmat": q, "rmat": r} return con_dict
[docs] def dict_to_constr(self, dictio): """Convert dictionary to constraint list """ dict_len = len(dictio) constr = [] x = Variable(int(np.max(self.shape))) for idx in np.arange(dict_len): con_dict = dictio.get(idx) str_kind = con_dict.get("kind") str_sign = con_dict.get("sign") if str_kind == "quadratic": P = con_dict.get("Amat") q = con_dict.get("qmat") r = con_dict.get("rmat") g = QuadraticForm(x, P, q, r) if str_sign == "==": con = g == 0 else: con = g <= 0 elif str_kind == "affine": A = con_dict.get("Amat") b = con_dict.get("bmat") if str_sign == "==": con = A @ x + b == 0 else: con = A @ x + b <= 0 else: raise ValueError( "Current supported constraints are affine and quadratic") constr.append(con) return constr
[docs] def iterate_run(self, event: Event): """Run a single iterate of the algorithm """ # convert basis to dictionary and send to neighbors basis_dict = self.constr_to_dict(self.B) data = self.agent.neighbors_exchange(basis_dict, event=event) if event is not None and event.is_set(): return # create list of agent's constraints + received constraints constraints = [] constraints.extend(self.agent.problem.constraints) for neigh in data: constraints.extend(self.dict_to_constr(data[neigh])) # solve problem problem = Problem(self.agent.problem.objective_function, constraints) self.x = problem.solve() # compute new basis self.B = self.compute_basis(constraints)
[docs] def run(self, iterations=100, verbose: bool=False, event: Event=None, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Run the algorithm for a given number of iterations Args: iterations (int, optional): Number of iterations. Defaults to 100. verbose: If True print some information during the evolution of the algorithm. Defaults to False. Returns: the sequence of computed solutions if enable_log=True. """ if self.enable_log: dims = [iterations] for dim in self.shape: dims.append(dim) self.sequence_x = np.zeros(dims) last_iter = np.copy(iterations) for k in range(iterations): self.iterate_run(event) # check if we must stop for external event if event is not None and event.is_set(): last_iter = k break if self.enable_log: self.sequence_x[k] = self.x if verbose: if == 0: print('Iteration {}'.format(k), end="\r") if self.enable_log: return self.sequence_x.take(np.arange(0,last_iter), axis=0)
[docs] def get_result(self): """Return the current value of x Returns: numpy.ndarray: value of x """ return self.x
[docs]class DistributedSimplex(Algorithm): """Distributed Simplex Algorithm [BuNo11]_ This algorithm solves linear programs in standard form .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{split} \min_{x} \: & \: c^\\top x \\\\ \mathrm{subj. to} \: & \: Ax = b \\\\ & \: x \ge 0 \\end{split} When reading the variable agent.problem.constraints, this class only considers equality constraints. Other constraints are discarded. Attributes: x (numpy.ndarray): current value of the complete solution J (float): current value of the cost x_basic (numpy.ndarray): current value of the basic solution B (numpy.ndarray): basis associated to the local solution n_constr (tuple): number of constraints of the problem B_neigh (dict): dictionary containing the local bases of (in-)neighbors A_init (numpy.ndarray): initial constraint matrix b_init (numpy.ndarray): initial constraint vector c_init (numpy.ndarray): initial cost vector sequence_x (numpy.ndarray): sequence of solutions sequence_J (numpy.ndarray): sequence of costs Args: agent (Agent): agent to execute the algorithm problem_size (list): total number of variables in the network. Defaults to None. If both problem_size and local_indices is provided, the complete solution vector will be computed. local_indices (list): indices of the agent's variables in the network, starting from 0. Defaults to None. If both problem_size and local_indices is provided, the complete solution vector will be computed. enable_log (bool): True to enable log stop_iterations (int): iterations with constant solution to stop algorithm. Defaults to None (disabled). big_M(float): cost of big-M variables. Defaults to 500. """ def __init__(self, agent: Agent, problem_size: int = None, local_indices: list = None, enable_log: bool = False, stop_iterations: int = None, big_M: float = 500.0): # initialize class variables self.agent = agent self.problem_size = problem_size self.local_indices = local_indices self.enable_log = enable_log self.sequence_x = None self.sequence_J = None self.stop_iterations = stop_iterations self.big_M = big_M self.B_neigh = {} # simplex algorithm parameters self.par_iters = 100 self.par_tol_leav = 1e-6 self.par_tol_ent = 1e-6 # check if input data is correct if not isinstance(self.agent.problem, LinearProblem): raise TypeError("agent.problem must be an instance of LinearProblem") # other variables self.read_problem_data() self.n_constr = self.A_init.shape[0] self.x_basic = None # primal solution (basic) self.J = None # cost self.x_dual = None # dual solution self.x = None # primal solution (full) self.save_x_dual = True # true if self.x_dual can be populated self.save_x = False # true if self.x can be populated self.indices_available = False # true if column indices are available # check index consistency and, in case, adjust flags if self.problem_size is not None and self.local_indices is not None: self.check_index_consistency() self.save_x = True self.indices_available = True # initialize algorithm self.initialize()
[docs] def check_index_consistency(self): """Check consistency of local indices, problem_size and constraint matrix """ if not isinstance(self.local_indices, list): raise TypeError("local_indices must be a list") if len(self.local_indices) != self.A_init.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The size of local_indices must equal the number of variables in agent.problem") if self.problem_size < self.A_init.shape[1]: raise ValueError("problem_size must be greater than or equal to the size of local_indices")
[docs] def read_problem_data(self): """Read local problem data from agent.problem. The data is saved in order to be solved as a standard form problem. """ A_list = [] b_list = [] # loop through equality constraints for constraint in self.agent.problem.constraints: if constraint.is_equality: A_c, b_c = constraint.get_parameters() # constraint is written in the form A^\top x + b = 0 A_list.append(A_c.transpose()) b_list.append(-b_c.flatten()) # save as 1D vector # build initial constraint matrix and vector from lists self.b_init = np.hstack(tuple(b_list))[:, None] # save as 2D vertical vector self.A_init = np.vstack(tuple(A_list)) # read initial cost vector cost_parameters = self.agent.problem.objective_function.get_parameters() self.c_init = cost_parameters[0] # save as 2D vertical vector
[docs] def initialize(self): """Evaluate a first solution and basis starting from agent's constraints through the Big-M method """ # change sign of constraint rows where b is negative for j in range(self.b_init.shape[0]): if self.b_init[j] < 0: self.b_init[j] *= -1 self.A_init[j, :] *= -1 # tableau for agent's initial matrices H_init = np.vstack((self.c_init.transpose(), self.A_init)) # tableau for big-M (initial lex-feasible basis) A_bigM = np.eye(self.n_constr) c_bigM = self.big_M*np.ones((1, self.n_constr)) H_bigM = np.vstack((c_bigM, A_bigM)) # add column partitioning information if available if self.indices_available: # initial columns are assigned local_indices H_init = np.vstack((H_init, np.array(self.local_indices))) # big-M columns are assigned indices after problem_size indices_bigM = np.arange(self.problem_size, self.problem_size + self.n_constr) H_bigM = np.vstack((H_bigM, np.array(indices_bigM))) # prepare lex-sorted tableau H_sort, basis_idx = sort_tableau(H_init, H_bigM) if self.indices_available: tableau = H_sort[0:-1, :] else: tableau = H_sort # run simplex method sol = lex_simplex(tableau, self.b_init, basis_idx, self.par_iters, self.par_tol_ent, self.par_tol_leav) # update local solution self._update_local_solution(H_sort[:, sol[1]])
def _update_local_solution(self, basis): """Save solution data using current basis information """ # extract constraint matrix and cost vector if self.indices_available: A = basis[1:-1, :] else: A = basis[1:, :] c = basis[0, :] # compute basic variables x_basic = np.linalg.solve(A, self.b_init) # compute dual solution y = np.linalg.solve(A.transpose(), c) # save self.B = basis self.x_basic = x_basic self.x_dual = y self.J = c @ x_basic # compute entire vector if column partitioning information is available if self.indices_available: self.x = np.zeros((self.problem_size + self.n_constr, 1)) basis_idx = basis[-1, :].astype(int) self.x[basis_idx, :] = self.x_basic
[docs] def get_basis(self): """Return current basis """ if self.indices_available: return self.B[0:-1] else: return self.B
[docs] def get_result(self): """Return the current value of the solution Returns: tuple of nd.ndarray (primal, primal_basic, dual, cost): value of primal solution, primal basic solution, dual solution, cost """ return (self.x, self.x_basic, self.x_dual, self.J)
[docs] def iterate_run(self, event: Event): """Run a single iterate of the algorithm """ # exchange columns with neighbors - TODO implement exchange of "null" symbol data = self.agent.neighbors_exchange(self.B, event=event) if event is not None and event.is_set(): return # concatenate all the received bases for neigh in data: self.B_neigh[neigh] = data[neigh] H_list = list(self.B_neigh.values()) # add tableau for agent's initial matrices if self.indices_available: H_list.append(np.vstack((self.c_init.transpose(), self.A_init, self.local_indices))) else: H_list.append(np.vstack((self.c_init.transpose(), self.A_init))) # prepare lex-sorted tableau H_full = np.hstack(tuple(H_list)) H_sort, basis_idx = sort_tableau(H_full, self.B) if self.indices_available: tableau = H_sort[0:-1, :] else: tableau = H_sort # run simplex method sol = lex_simplex(tableau, self.b_init, basis_idx, self.par_iters, self.par_tol_ent, self.par_tol_leav) # update local solution self._update_local_solution(H_sort[:, sol[1]])
[docs] def run(self, iterations=100, verbose: bool=False, event: Event=None, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Run the algorithm for a given number of iterations Args: iterations (int, optional): Maximum number of iterations. Defaults to 100. verbose: If True print some information during the evolution of the algorithm. Defaults to False. Raises: TypeError: The number of iterations must be an int Returns: return a tuple (x, J) with the sequence of solutions and costs if enable_log=True. """ if not isinstance(iterations, int): raise TypeError("The number of iterations must be an int") if self.enable_log: # initialize cost sequence dims = [iterations] self.sequence_J = np.zeros(dims) # initialize solution sequence if self.save_x: dims.extend(self.x.shape) self.sequence_x = np.zeros(dims) # initialize counter for stopping criterion counter = 0 last_iter = np.copy(iterations) for k in range(iterations): # store previous basis prev_B = self.B # perform an iteration self.iterate_run(event) # check if we must stop for external event if event is not None and event.is_set(): last_iter = k break # store solution and cost sequence if self.enable_log: self.sequence_J[k] = self.J if self.save_x: self.sequence_x[k] = self.x # print information if verbose and == 0: print('Iteration {}'.format(k), end="\r") # increase counter if solution has not changed, otherwise reset if np.linalg.norm(prev_B - self.B) < 1e-6: counter += 1 else: counter = 0 # check termination condition if self.stop_iterations is not None and counter > self.stop_iterations: # convergence detected self.agent.neighbors_send(self.B) # broadcast local basis a last time last_iter = k+1 break # TODO check if problem is infeasible (i.e. if there are still big-M columns in the basis) # return sequences if self.enable_log: if self.save_x: return (self.sequence_x.take(np.arange(0,last_iter), axis=0), self.sequence_J[0:last_iter]) else: return (None, self.sequence_J[0:last_iter])
[docs]class DualDistributedSimplex(DistributedSimplex): """Distributed Simplex Algorithm on dual problem [BuNo11]_ This algorithm solves linear programs of the form .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{split} \max_{x} \: & \: c^\\top x \\\\ \mathrm{subj. to} \: & \: Ax \le b \\end{split} This class runs the Distributed Simplex algorithm on the (standard form) dual problem. Args: agent (Agent): agent to execute the algorithm num_constraints (list): total number of constraints in the network. Defaults to None. If both num_constraints and local_indices is provided, the complete dual solution vector will be computed. local_indices (list): indices of the agent's constraints in the network, starting from 0. Defaults to None. If both num_constraints and local_indices is provided, the complete dual solution vector will be computed. enable_log (bool): True to enable log stop_iterations (int): iterations with constant solution to stop algorithm. Defaults to None (disabled). big_M(float): cost of big-M variables. Defaults to 500. """ def __init__(self, agent: Agent, num_constraints: int = None, local_indices: list = None, enable_log: bool = False, stop_iterations: int = None, big_M: float = 500.0): # call init of parent class super().__init__(agent=agent, problem_size=num_constraints, local_indices=local_indices, enable_log=enable_log, stop_iterations=stop_iterations, big_M=big_M) # swap values of save_x and save_x_dual self.save_x, self.save_x_dual = self.save_x_dual, self.save_x
[docs] def check_index_consistency(self): """Check consistency of local indices, num_constraints and constraint matrix """ # re-adapted error messages for the dual case if not isinstance(self.local_indices, list): raise TypeError("local_indices must be a list") if len(self.local_indices) != self.A_init.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The size of local_indices must equal the number of constraints in agent.problem") if self.problem_size < self.A_init.shape[1]: raise ValueError("num_constraints must be greater than or equal to the size of local_indices")
[docs] def read_problem_data(self): """Read local problem data from agent.problem. The data is saved in order to be solved as a standard form problem. """ A_list = [] b_list = [] # loop through inequality constraints for constraint in self.agent.problem.constraints: if constraint.is_inequality: A_c, b_c = constraint.get_parameters() # constraint is written in the form A^\top x + b <= 0 A_list.append(A_c) b_list.append(-b_c.flatten()) # save as 1D vector # build initial constraint matrix and cost vector from lists self.c_init = np.hstack(tuple(b_list))[:, None] # save as 2D vertical vector self.A_init = np.vstack(tuple(A_list)) # read initial constraint vector cost_parameters = self.agent.problem.objective_function.get_parameters() self.b_init = -cost_parameters[0] # save as 2D vertical vector (minus sign for maximization)
def _update_local_solution(self, basis): """Save solution data using current basis information """ # call method of parent class super()._update_local_solution(basis) # swap primal and dual solutions self.x, self.x_dual = self.x_dual, self.x
[docs] def get_result(self): """Return the current value of the solution Returns: tuple of nd.ndarray (primal, dual_basic, dual, cost): value of primal solution, dual basic solution, dual solution, cost """ return (self.x, self.x_basic, self.x_dual, self.J)
##################################### # Utilities def lexnonpositive(vector: np.ndarray, tol: float) -> bool: """tests if a vector is lexicographically non-positive, i.e., it is a vector made of zeros or its first non-zero component is negative Args: vector (np.ndarray): input vector tol (float): numerical tolerance Returns: is_nonpositive (bool): True if vector is non-positive """ for elem in vector: if abs(elem) < tol: # Treat it as a zero continue # if the component is positive return false if elem > 0: return False # else return true break return True def enteringcolumn(tableau: np.ndarray, ind_basic: np.ndarray, tol: float) -> int: """Lex-simplex routine that selects an entering column as described in Jones et al (Automatica 2007) Args: tableau (np.ndarray): lexicographically sorted tableau ind_basic (np.ndarray): indices of current lex-feasible basis tol (float): numerical tolerance Returns: index_e (int): index of entering column (or None if basis is already optimal) """ ncols = tableau.shape[1] # extract the constraint matrix and the basic columns A = tableau[1:, :] basis = A[:, ind_basic] # evaluate reduced costs and construct matrix [kappa@c kappa] for test kappa = np.eye(ncols) kappa[:, ind_basic] -= np.linalg.solve(basis, A).transpose() cost = tableau[0, :] reduced_costs = kappa @ cost kc_k_matrix = np.column_stack((reduced_costs, kappa)) # cycle on non-basic columns for ii in range(ncols): if ii not in ind_basic: test_vector = kc_k_matrix[ii, :] if lexnonpositive(test_vector, tol): return ii return None def leavingcolumn(index_e: int, b: np.ndarray, tableau: np.ndarray, tol: float, ind_basic: np.ndarray) -> int: """Lex-simplex routine that selects a leaving column with the lex-ratio test described in Jones et al (Automatica 2007) Args: index_e (int): current entering column b (np.ndarray): right-hand side vector of constraints tableau (np.ndarray): lexicographically sorted tableau tol (float): numerical tolerance ind_basic (np.ndarray): indices of current lex-feasible basis Returns: index_l (int): index of leaving column (or None if problem is unbounded) """ # Extract basic columns from tableau basis = tableau[1:, ind_basic] # construct beta*A_e (with beta = B^-1) A_e = tableau[1:, index_e][:, None] beta_A = np.linalg.solve(basis, A_e) # find positive entries of beta_A ind_pos = np.flatnonzero(beta_A > tol) if ind_pos.size == 0: return None # problem is unbounded # construct [beta*b beta] matrix beta = np.linalg.inv(basis) beta_b = np.linalg.solve(basis, b) M = np.column_stack((beta_b, beta)) # compute ratios ratios = M[ind_pos, :] / beta_A[ind_pos] # sort rows lexicographically ind_sort = np.lexsort(np.rot90(ratios)) # return lex-minimal row index return ind_pos[ind_sort[0]] def lex_simplex(tableau: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, ind_basic: np.ndarray, max_iters: int, tol_ent: float, tol_leav: float) -> Tuple[int, np.ndarray, int]: """Lexicographic simplex algorithm Args: tableau (np.ndarray): lexicographically sorted tableau b (np.ndarray): right-hand side vector of constraints ind_basic (np.ndarray): indices of current lex-feasible basis max_iters (int): maximum number of iterations tol_ent (float): numerical tolerance to evaluate entering column tol_leav (float): numerical tolerance to evaluate leaving column Returns: unbounded (int): True if problem is unbounded, False otherwise new_ind_basic (np.ndarray): new basic variables nn (int): number of performed iterations """ new_ind_basic = np.copy(ind_basic) for nn in range(max_iters): # check for an entering column index_EC = enteringcolumn(tableau, new_ind_basic, tol_ent) if index_EC == None: # Problem solved return False, new_ind_basic, nn+1 # check for a leaving column index_LC = leavingcolumn(index_EC, b, tableau, tol_leav, new_ind_basic) if index_LC == None: # unbounded case return True, None, nn+1 # pivoting new_ind_basic[index_LC] = index_EC new_ind_basic.sort() return False, new_ind_basic, nn+1 def sort_tableau(H_data: np.ndarray, B: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Lexicographically sort all the columns and remove duplicates Args: H_data (np.ndarray): tableau without basic columns B (np.ndarray): basic columns Returns: H_sort (np.ndarray): lexicographically sorted tableau without duplicates ind_basic_sort (np.ndarray): indices of basic columns """ # make tableau with B at the beginning H = np.hstack((B, H_data)) ind_basic = np.arange(0, B.shape[1]) # basic indices: 0, ..., B.shape[1] - 1 # remove duplicate columns - TODO use a tolerance H_unique, ind_unique = np.unique(H, return_inverse=True, axis=1) # lexicographically sort tableau ind_sort = np.lexsort(np.flip(H_unique, 0)).tolist() H_sort = H_unique[:, ind_sort] # compute new position of basic columns ind_basic_sort = [ind_sort.index(i) for i in ind_unique[ind_basic]] return H_sort, np.array(ind_basic_sort).astype(int)