Source code for disropt.algorithms.primal_decomp_milp

import numpy as np
from typing import Union, Callable, List
from threading import Event
from ..agents.agent import Agent
from ..problems import ConvexifiedMILP, ConstraintCoupledMILP, MixedIntegerLinearProblem
from .primal_decomp import PrimalDecomposition
from ..functions import Variable
from . import MaxConsensus

[docs]class PrimalDecompositionMILP(PrimalDecomposition): """Distributed primal decomposition for MILPs. """ # TODO choose ref def __init__(self, agent: Agent, initial_condition: np.ndarray, enable_log: bool = False, restriction: np.ndarray = None, finite_time_add_restriction: float = 0): super().__init__(agent, initial_condition, enable_log) # check input if not isinstance(agent.problem, ConstraintCoupledMILP): raise TypeError("The agent must be equipped with a ConstraintCoupledMILP") # initialize some variables and local MILP solver self.fast_mode = True param = agent.problem.coupling_function.get_parameters() self.A = param[0].T self.cutting_planes = None self.restriction = restriction self.ft_restriction = finite_time_add_restriction self.integer_vars = agent.problem.integer_vars self.binary_vars = agent.problem.binary_vars self.milp = ConvexifiedMILP(objective_function = agent.problem.objective_function, y = np.zeros((self.S, 1)), A = self.A, constraints = agent.problem.constraints, integer_vars = self.integer_vars, binary_vars = self.binary_vars) # further parameters of local solver self.max_local_iterations = 1000 self.local_threshold_convergence = 1e-8 self.viol_additional_slack = 1e-5 # additional slack in case of violation
[docs] def run(self, n_agents: int, iterations: int = 1000, stepsize: Union[float, Callable] = 0.1, M: float = 1000.0, verbose: bool=False, callback_iter: Callable=None, fast_mode: bool=True, max_cutting_planes: int=1000, milp_solver: str=None, extra_allocation: np.ndarray = None, use_runavg: bool=False, # use running average of y in local MILP? runavg_start_iter: int=0, event: Event=None, max_consensus_iterations: int = None, max_consensus_graph_diam: int = None, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Run the algorithm for a given number of iterations Args: iterations: Number of iterations. Defaults to 1000. stepsize: If a float is given as input, the stepsize is constant. If a function is given, it must take an iteration k as input and output the corresponding stepsize. Defaults to 0.1. M: Value of the parameter :math:`M`. Defaults to 1000. verbose: If True print some information during the evolution of the algorithm. Defaults to False. callback_iter: callback function to be called at the end of each iteration. Must take an iteration k as input. Defaults to None. fast_mode: If True, a mixed-integer solution is computed at each iteration, otherwise only at the last iteration. Defaults to True. max_cutting_planes: maximum number of cutting planes for local solver. Defaults to 1000. milp_solver: MILP solver to use. Defaults to None (use default solver). Raises: TypeError: The number of iterations must be an int TypeError: The stepsize must be a float or a callable TypeError: The parameter M must be a float Returns: return a tuple (x, y) with the sequence of primal solutions and allocation estimates if enable_log=True. If fast_mode=True, the primal solutions are those of the convexified problem, otherwise they are the mixed-integer estimates. """ # store parameters self.milp_solver = milp_solver self.max_cutting_planes = max_cutting_planes self.fast_mode = fast_mode self.extra_allocation = extra_allocation if extra_allocation is not None else np.zeros((self.S, 1)) self.use_runavg = use_runavg # compute and apply restriction self.compute_restriction(max_consensus_iterations, max_consensus_graph_diam) self.y = self.y0 - (self.restriction + self.ft_restriction)/n_agents if verbose and == 0: total_restriction = np.array(self.restriction + self.ft_restriction) print('Overall applied restriction: {}'.format(total_restriction.flatten())) # run primal decomposition algorithm on convexified problem result = super().run(iterations, stepsize, M, verbose, callback_iter, compute_runavg=use_runavg, runavg_start_iter=runavg_start_iter, event=event, **kwargs) # compute mixed-integer solution (if not already available) if fast_mode and (event is None or not event.is_set()): # skip if optimization has been interrupted self.x = self.mixed_integer_solution() return result
[docs] def iterate_run(self, stepsize: float, M: float, update_runavg, event: Event, **kwargs): """Run a single iterate of the algorithm """ # solve local problem out = self.milp.solve(M=M, milp_solver=self.milp_solver, return_only_solution=False, y=self.y, cutting_planes=self.cutting_planes, max_iterations=self.max_local_iterations, threshold_convergence=self.local_threshold_convergence) # save data x = out[0][0] mu = out[2] self.cutting_planes = out[3] # exchange dual variables with neighbors data = self.agent.neighbors_exchange(mu, event=event) mu_neigh = [data[idx] for idx in data] if event is None or not event.is_set(): self._update_local_solution(x, mu, mu_neigh, stepsize, update_runavg, **kwargs) # solve local MILP if requested if not self.fast_mode: self.x = self.mixed_integer_solution()
[docs] def compute_restriction(self, iterations, graph_diam): # check if restriction is already available if self.restriction is not None: return # compute lower and upper bounds of allocations LB = np.zeros((self.S, 1)) UB = np.zeros((self.S, 1)) for s in range(self.S): x = Variable(self.x_shape[0]) obj_func = self.A[s, :][:, None] @ x # solve s-th lower bound problem milp = MixedIntegerLinearProblem(obj_func, self.agent.problem.constraints, self.integer_vars, self.binary_vars) x_opt = milp.solve() if self.milp_solver is None else milp.solve(solver=self.milp_solver) LB[s] = obj_func.eval(x_opt) # solve s-th upper bound problem milp.objective_function = -obj_func x_opt = milp.solve() if self.milp_solver is None else milp.solve(solver=self.milp_solver) UB[s] = obj_func.eval(x_opt) # prepare minimum resource MILP A = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.S, self.x_shape[0])), np.ones((self.S,1)))).transpose() # matrix for \rho \1 A_rho = np.hstack((np.zeros((1, self.x_shape[0])), [[1]])).transpose() # matrix selecting only rho variable z = Variable(self.x_shape[0] + 1) # symbolic variable [x, rho] rho = A_rho @ z # symbolic variable (only rho) constraints = [self.coupling_function <= LB + A @ z] constraints.extend(self.local_constraints) # solve MILP to compute vector using minimal resources milp = MixedIntegerLinearProblem(rho, constraints, self.integer_vars, self.binary_vars) z_opt = milp.solve() if self.milp_solver is None else milp.solve(solver=self.milp_solver) # compute worst-case local violation (finally!) min_resource = rho.eval(z_opt) * np.ones((self.S, 1)) restriction_loc = np.minimum(UB - LB, min_resource) ###################### # run max-consensus algorithm algorithm = MaxConsensus(self.agent, restriction_loc, graph_diam) if iterations is not None: else: # save result self.restriction = self.S * algorithm.get_result()
[docs] def mixed_integer_solution(self): allocation = self.y_avg if self.use_runavg else self.y y_viol = self.compute_violating_y(allocation) # prepare final MILP x = Variable(self.x_shape[0]) constraints = [self.A.T@x <= y_viol + self.extra_allocation] constraints.extend(self.agent.problem.constraints) # solve final MILP milp_final = MixedIntegerLinearProblem(self.agent.problem.objective_function, constraints, self.integer_vars, self.binary_vars) x_final = milp_final.solve() if self.milp_solver is None else milp_final.solve(solver=self.milp_solver) return x_final
[docs] def compute_violating_y(self, allocation): A = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.S, self.x_shape[0])), np.ones((self.S,1)))).transpose() # matrix for \rho \1 A_rho = np.hstack((np.zeros((1, self.x_shape[0])), [[1]])).transpose() # matrix selecting only rho variable z = Variable(self.x_shape[0] + 1) # symbolic variable [x, rho] rho = A_rho @ z # symbolic variable (only rho) alloc_constr = self.coupling_function <= allocation + self.extra_allocation + A @ z constraints = [alloc_constr, rho >= 0] constraints.extend(self.local_constraints) # solve MILP to compute violation milp_viol = MixedIntegerLinearProblem(rho, constraints, self.integer_vars, self.binary_vars) z_opt = milp_viol.solve() if self.milp_solver is None else milp_viol.solve(solver=self.milp_solver) viol = rho.eval(z_opt) # evaluate rho at optimal solution # vectorize violation violation = (viol + self.viol_additional_slack) * np.ones((self.S, 1)) return allocation + violation