Source code for disropt.constraints.constraints

import numpy as np
from ..functions.utilities import check_input

[docs]class AbstractConstraint: """Abstract class for expressing constraints """
[docs] def eval(self): pass
[docs]class Constraint(AbstractConstraint): """Constraint build from a AbstractFunction object. Constraints are represented in the canonical forms :math:`f(x)=0` and :math:`f(x)\leq 0`. Args: fn (AbstractFunction): constraint function sign (bool): type of constraint: "==", "<=" or ">=" Attributes: fn (AbstractFunction): constraint function sign (bool): type of constraint: "==", "<=" or ">=" input_shape (tuple): input space dimensions output_shape (tuple): output space dimensions """ def __init__(self, fn, sign: str = "=="): self.input_shape = fn.input_shape self.output_shape = fn.output_shape self.sign = sign self.fn = fn if self.sign == ">=": self.sign = "<=" self.fn = -fn def _to_cvxpy(self): if self.is_equality: return self.fn._to_cvxpy() == 0 else: return self.fn._to_cvxpy() <= 0 @property def is_equality(self): return self.sign == "==" @property def is_inequality(self): return self.sign == "<=" @property def is_affine(self): """Return true if the function is affine. Returns: bool: true if the function is affine """ return self.fn.is_affine @property def is_quadratic(self): """Return true if the function is affine. Returns: bool: true if the function is affine """ return self.fn.is_quadratic @property def function(self): return self.fn
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """Return the parameters of the function if it is affine or quadratic Returns: tuple: A, b for affine constraints, P, q, r for quadratic """ return self.fn.get_parameters()
[docs] @check_input def eval(self, x: np.ndarray) -> bool: """Evaluate the constraint function at a point x Args: x: input point """ if self.is_equality: return np.allclose(self.fn.eval(x), np.zeros(self.output_shape)) elif self.is_inequality: if np.allclose(self.fn.eval(x), np.zeros(self.output_shape)): return True return np.less_equal(self.fn.eval(x), np.zeros(self.output_shape)).all()
[docs] @check_input def projection(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the projection of a point onto the set defined by the constraint. The constraint should be convex. Args: x : point to be projected Returns: numpy.ndarray: projected point """ satisfied = self.eval(x) if satisfied: return x else: if self.is_affine: A, b = self.get_parameters() if A.shape[0] >= A.shape[1]: projected_pt = x - A @ np.linalg.inv(A.transpose() @ A) @ (A.transpose() @ x + b) return projected_pt else: from ..problems import Problem from ..functions import Variable, QuadraticForm v = Variable(self.input_shape[0]) P = np.eye(self.input_shape[0]) obj = 0.5 * QuadraticForm(v - x, P) constraint = self pb = Problem(obj, constraint) projected_pt = pb.solve() return projected_pt else: from ..problems import Problem from ..functions import Variable, QuadraticForm v = Variable(self.input_shape[0]) P = np.eye(self.input_shape[0]) obj = 0.5 * QuadraticForm(v - x, P) constraint = self pb = Problem(obj, constraint) projected_pt = pb.solve() return projected_pt