Source code for disropt.functions.abstract_function

import numpy as np
from autograd import grad as ag_grad
from autograd import jacobian as ag_jacobian
from autograd import hessian as ag_hessian
from typing import Union
from .utilities import check_input
import warnings

[docs]class AbstractFunction: """AbstractFunction class. This should be the parent of all specific (objective) functions. Attributes: input_shape (tuple): shape of the input of the function output_shape (tuple): shape of the output of the function differentiable (bool): True if the function is differentiable affine (bool): True if the function is affine quadratic (bool): True if the function is quadratic """ # For forcing __r methods to be used when a numpy array comes first __array_priority__ = 1 input_shape = None output_shape = None differentiable = False affine = False quadratic = False def __init__(self): self._setdiff() def _expression(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def _to_cvxpy(self): pass def _extend_variable(self, n_var, axis, pos): pass def __str__(self): description = {'expression': self._expression(), 'input shape': self.input_shape, 'output shape': self.output_shape, 'affine': self.is_affine, 'quadratic': self.is_quadratic } return str(description) def __neg__(self): return NegFunction(self) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): return SumFunction(self, other) elif isinstance(other, (int, float, np.ndarray)): return ConstantSumFunction(other, self) else: raise TypeError def __radd__(self, other: Union[int, float, np.ndarray]): if isinstance(other, (int, float, np.ndarray)): return ConstantSumFunction(other, self) else: raise TypeError def __iadd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): return SumFunction(self, other) elif isinstance(other, (int, float, np.ndarray)): return ConstantSumFunction(other, self) else: raise TypeError def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): return SumFunction(self, -other) elif isinstance(other, (int, float, np.ndarray)): return ConstantSumFunction(-other, self) else: raise TypeError def __rsub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): return SumFunction(-self, other) elif isinstance(other, (int, float, np.ndarray)): return ConstantSumFunction(other, -self) else: raise TypeError def __isub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): return SumFunction(self, -other) elif isinstance(other, (int, float, np.ndarray)): return ConstantSumFunction(-other, self) else: raise TypeError def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): return MulFunction(self, other) elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): return ScalarMulFunction(other, self) else: raise TypeError def __rmul__(self, other: Union[int, float]): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return ScalarMulFunction(other, self) else: raise NotImplementedError def __imul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): return MulFunction(self, other) elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): return ScalarMulFunction(other, self) else: raise TypeError def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): from .power import Power return MulFunction(self, Power(other, -1)) elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): return ScalarMulFunction(1.0/other, self) else: raise TypeError def __rdiv__(self, other: Union[int, float]): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return ScalarMulFunction(1.0/other, self) else: raise NotImplementedError def __idiv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): from .power import Power return MulFunction(self, Power(other, -1)) elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): return ScalarMulFunction(1.0/other, self) else: raise TypeError def __pow__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): from .power import Power return Power(self, float(other)) else: raise TypeError def __ipow__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): from .power import Power return Power(self, float(other)) else: raise TypeError def __matmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): return MatMulFunction(self, other) elif isinstance(other, (np.ndarray)): if other.shape == self.output_shape: return ConstantMatMulFunction(other, self) else: raise NotImplementedError else: raise TypeError def __rmatmul__(self, other: np.ndarray): if isinstance(other, (np.ndarray)): return ConstantMatMulFunction(other, self) else: raise TypeError def __imatmul__(self, other: np.ndarray): return self.__matmul__(other) def __to_constraint(self, other, sign): if not isinstance(other, (AbstractFunction, np.ndarray, float, int)): raise TypeError if isinstance(other, AbstractFunction): if (self.input_shape != other.input_shape) or (self.output_shape != other.output_shape): raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes") from ..constraints.constraints import Constraint return Constraint(self - other, sign=sign) if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): if other.shape != self.output_shape: raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes") from ..constraints.constraints import Constraint return Constraint(self - other, sign=sign) if isinstance(other, (int, float)): if self.output_shape != (1, 1): const = other * np.ones(self.output_shape) else: const = other from ..constraints.constraints import Constraint return Constraint(self - const, sign=sign) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__to_constraint(other, "==") def __le__(self, other): return self.__to_constraint(other, "<=") def __ge__(self, other): return self.__to_constraint(other, ">=") @property def is_differentiable(self): return self.differentiable @property def is_affine(self): return self.affine @property def is_quadratic(self): return self.quadratic
[docs] def get_parameters(self): raise NotImplementedError
def _setdiff(self): self._subgradient = ag_grad(self.eval) self._jacobian = ag_jacobian(self.eval) self._hessian = ag_hessian(self.eval)
[docs] @check_input def eval(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the function at a point x Args: x: input point """ pass
[docs] @check_input def jacobian(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the jacobian of the the function at a point x Args: x: input point """ warnings.simplefilter("error", category=RuntimeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning) # TODO: check try: jac = np.squeeze(self._jacobian(x)) except RuntimeWarning: try: jac = self._alternative_jacobian(x) except NotImplementedError: raise NotImplementedError("No jacobian can be computed") if jac.shape == (): # in case of scalar jac = jac.reshape(1, 1) if len(jac.shape) == 1: jac = jac.reshape(1, -1) # np.nan_to_num(jac, copy=False) return jac
@check_input def _alternative_jacobian(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the jacobian of the the function at a point x Args: x: input point """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @check_input def hessian(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the hessian of the the function at a point x Args: x: input point """ warnings.simplefilter("error", category=RuntimeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning) # TODO: check try: hess = np.squeeze(self._hessian(x)) except RuntimeWarning: try: hess = np.squeeze(self._alternative_hessian(x)) except NotImplementedError: # TODO risolvere caso in cui autograd non riesce: np.true_divide(inf, inf) raise NotImplementedError("No hessian can be computed") if hess.shape == (): # in case of scalar hess = hess.reshape(1, 1) # np.nan_to_num(hess, copy=False) return hess
@check_input def _alternative_hessian(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the hessian of the the function at a point x Args: x: input point """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @check_input def subgradient(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the subgradient of the function at a point x Args: x: input point Raises: ValueError: subgradient is defined only for functions with scalar output """ warnings.simplefilter("error", category=RuntimeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning) # TODO: check if not self.output_shape == (1, 1): raise ValueError("Undefined subgradient") else: try: subg = self._alternative_subgradient(x).reshape(self.input_shape) except NotImplementedError: try: subg = self._subgradient(x).reshape(self.input_shape) # subg = self._alternative_subgradient(x).reshape(self.input_shape) except RuntimeWarning: raise NotImplementedError("No subgradient can be computed") # subg = self.jacobian(x).reshape(self.input_shape) # np.nan_to_num(subg, copy=False) return subg
@check_input def _alternative_subgradient(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the hessian of the the function at a point x Args: x: input point """ return self._alternative_jacobian(x).reshape(self.input_shape)
class ConstantSumFunction(AbstractFunction): """Add a constant to a AbstractFunction Args: constant (numpy.ndarray): constant to add fn (AbstractFunction): function to add a constant to Raises: ValueError: The shape of the constant must be equal to the output shape of the function """ def __init__(self, constant: Union[int, float, np.ndarray], fn: AbstractFunction): self.constant = constant if isinstance(constant, np.ndarray): if fn.output_shape != constant.shape: raise ValueError("Different shapes") self.fn = fn self.input_shape = fn.input_shape self.output_shape = fn.output_shape self.differentiable = fn.is_differentiable if fn.is_affine: self.affine = True if fn.is_quadratic: self.quadratic = True super().__init__() def _expression(self): return str(self.constant) + " + " + self.fn._expression() @check_input def eval(self, x): return self.fn.eval(x) + self.constant def _to_cvxpy(self): return self.constant + self.fn._to_cvxpy() def _extend_variable(self, n_var, axis, pos): return self.fn._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos) + self.constant @check_input def jacobian(self, x): return self.fn.jacobian(x) @check_input def hessian(self, x): return self.fn.hessian(x) @check_input def subgradient(self, x): return self.fn.subgradient(x) class SumFunction(AbstractFunction): """Sum two AbstractFunction objects Args: f1 (AbstractFunction): first function f2 (AbstractFunction): second function Raises: ValueError: The input/output shapes of the two functions must be the same """ def __init__(self, f1: AbstractFunction, f2: AbstractFunction): if f1.input_shape != f2.input_shape or f1.output_shape != f2.output_shape: raise ValueError("Different input/output shapes") self.f1 = f1 self.f2 = f2 self.input_shape = f1.input_shape self.output_shape = f1.output_shape if f1.is_differentiable and f2.is_differentiable: self.differentiable = True if f1.is_affine and f2.is_affine: self.affine = True if (f1.is_quadratic and f2.is_quadratic) or (f1.is_quadratic and f2.is_affine) or (f1.is_affine and f2.is_quadratic): self.quadratic = True super().__init__() def _expression(self): return self.f1._expression() + " + " + self.f2._expression() def _to_cvxpy(self): return self.f1._to_cvxpy() + self.f2._to_cvxpy() def _extend_variable(self, n_var, axis, pos): return self.f1._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos) + self.f2._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos) @check_input def eval(self, x): return self.f1.eval(x) + self.f2.eval(x) @check_input def jacobian(self, x): return self.f1.jacobian(x) + self.f2.jacobian(x) @check_input def hessian(self, x): return self.f1.hessian(x) + self.f2.hessian(x) @check_input def subgradient(self, x): return self.f1.subgradient(x) + self.f2.subgradient(x) class NegFunction(AbstractFunction): """Multiplies a AbstractFunction by -1 Args: fn (AbstractFunction): input function function """ def __init__(self, fn: AbstractFunction): self.fn = fn self.input_shape = fn.input_shape self.output_shape = fn.output_shape self.differentiable = fn.is_differentiable if fn.is_affine: self.affine = True if fn.is_quadratic: self.quadratic = True super().__init__() def _expression(self): return " - " + self.fn._expression() def _to_cvxpy(self): return -self.fn._to_cvxpy() def _extend_variable(self, n_var, axis, pos): return -self.fn._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos) @check_input def eval(self, x): return -self.fn.eval(x) @check_input def jacobian(self, x): return -self.fn.jacobian(x) @check_input def hessian(self, x): return -self.fn.hessian(x) @check_input def subgradient(self, x): return -self.fn.subgradient(x) class MulFunction(AbstractFunction): def __init__(self, f1: AbstractFunction, f2: AbstractFunction): """Multiplies two functions (with scalar outputs) Args: f1 (AbstractFunction): first function f2 (AbstractFunction): second function Raises: ValueError: input functions must have the same input shapes ValueError: at least the first input function must have scalar output NotImplementedError: only differentiable input functions are currently supported """ if f1.input_shape != f2.input_shape: raise ValueError("Different input shapes") if not(f1.output_shape == (1, 1)): raise ValueError( "At least the first input function must have scalar output") self.f1 = f1 self.f2 = f2 self.input_shape = f1.input_shape self.output_shape = f2.output_shape if f1.is_differentiable and f2.is_differentiable: self.differentiable = True super().__init__() def _expression(self): return self.f1._expression() + " * " + self.f2._expression() @check_input def eval(self, x): return self.f1.eval(x) * self.f2.eval(x) def _extend_variable(self, n_var, axis, pos): return self.f1._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos) * self.f2._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos) def _to_cvxpy(self): return self.f1._to_cvxpy() * self.f2._to_cvxpy() class ScalarMulFunction(AbstractFunction): def __init__(self, scalar: Union[int, float], fn: AbstractFunction): """Multiply a function by a scalar Args: scalar (float or int): scalar fn (AbstractFunction): input function Raises: ValueError: the scalar must be a float (or an int) """ if not isinstance(scalar, (int, float)): raise ValueError( "Multiplication by scalars requires the scalar to be float or int") self.scalar = scalar self.fn = fn self.input_shape = fn.input_shape self.output_shape = fn.output_shape if fn.is_differentiable: self.differentiable = True if fn.is_affine: self.affine = True if fn.is_quadratic: self.quadratic = True super().__init__() def _expression(self): return str(self.scalar) + " * " + self.fn._expression() def _to_cvxpy(self): return self.scalar * self.fn._to_cvxpy() @check_input def eval(self, x): return self.scalar * self.fn.eval(x) def _extend_variable(self, n_var, axis, pos): return self.scalar * self.fn._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos) @check_input def jacobian(self, x): return self.scalar * self.fn.jacobian(x) @check_input def hessian(self, x): return self.scalar * self.fn.hessian(x) @check_input def subgradient(self, x): return self.scalar * self.fn.subgradient(x) class MatMulFunction(AbstractFunction): def __init__(self, f1: AbstractFunction, f2: AbstractFunction): """Dot product of two function :math:`f(x) = \\langle f_1(x), f_2(x)\\rangle=\\f_1(x)^\\top f_2(x) with :math:`f_1,f_2:\\mathbb{R}^m\\to\\mathbb{R}^n` Args: f1 (AbstractFunction): first function (output shape (n, 1)) f2 (AbstractFunction): second function (output shape (n, 1)) Raises: ValueError: input functions must have the same input shapes NotImplementedError: only differentiable input functions are currently supported """ if not (f1.input_shape == f2.input_shape and f1.output_shape == f2.output_shape): raise ValueError("Different input/output shapes") self.f1 = f1 self.f2 = f2 self.input_shape = f1.input_shape self.output_shape = (1, 1) if f1.output_shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError("Unsupported input functions output shape. Must be (n, 1)") if f1.is_differentiable and f2.is_differentiable: self.differentiable = True super().__init__() def _expression(self): return self.f1._expression() + " @ " + self.f2._expression() @check_input def eval(self, x): return self.f1.eval(x).transpose() @ self.f2.eval(x) def _extend_variable(self, n_var, axis, pos): return MatMulFunction(self.f1._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos), self.f2._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos)) def _to_cvxpy(self): return self.f1._to_cvxpy().transpose() @ self.f2._to_cvxpy() class ConstantMatMulFunction(AbstractFunction): def __init__(self, constant: np.ndarray, fn: AbstractFunction): """Matrix/Dot product of a matrix/vector and a function :math:`f(x) = \\langle A, g(x)\\rangle=\\A^\\top g(x) with :math:`A:\\mathbb{R}^{n\\times m}` and :math:`g:\\mathbb{R}^d\\to\\mathbb{R}^n` Args: constant (numpy.ndarray): constant vector (shape (n, m)) fn (AbstractFunction): function (output shape (n, 1)) Raises: ValueError: input functions must have the same input shapes NotImplementedError: only differentiable input functions are currently supported """ if not isinstance(constant, (np.ndarray)): raise ValueError( "Multiplication by constant vector requires the vector to be a numpy.ndarray") if fn.output_shape[0] != constant.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Incompatible dimensions: function ouput is {} and given matrix is {}".format( fn.output_shape, constant.shape)) self.constant = constant self.fn = fn self.input_shape = fn.input_shape self.output_shape = (self.constant.shape[1], self.fn.output_shape[1]) if fn.output_shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError("Unsupported function output shape. Must be (n, 1)") if fn.is_differentiable: self.differentiable = True if fn.is_affine: self.affine = True super().__init__() def _expression(self): return str(self.constant()) + " @ " + self.fn._expression() @check_input def eval(self, x): return self.constant.transpose() @ self.fn.eval(x) def _extend_variable(self, n_var, axis, pos): return ConstantMatMulFunction(self.constant, self.fn._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos)) def _to_cvxpy(self): return self.constant.transpose() @ self.fn._to_cvxpy()