Source code for disropt.functions.logistic

import numpy as np
import autograd.numpy as anp
import warnings
from .abstract_function import AbstractFunction
from .utilities import check_input

[docs]class Logistic(AbstractFunction): """Logistic function (elementwise) .. math:: f(x)=\\log(1+e^x) with :math:`x: \\mathbb{R}^{n}`. Args: fn (AbstractFunction): input function Raises: TypeError: input must be a AbstractFunction object """ def __init__(self, fn: AbstractFunction): if not isinstance(fn, AbstractFunction): raise TypeError("Input must be a AbstractFunction object") if not fn.is_differentiable: warnings.warn( 'Composition with a nondifferentiable function will lead to an\ error when asking for a subgradient') else: self.differentiable = True self.fn = fn self.input_shape = fn.input_shape self.output_shape = fn.output_shape self.affine = False self.quadratic = False super().__init__() def _expression(self): expression = 'Logistic({})'.format(self.fn._expression()) return expression def _to_cvxpy(self): import cvxpy as cvx return cvx.logistic(self.fn._to_cvxpy()) def _extend_variable(self, n_var, axis, pos): return Logistic(self.fn._extend_variable(n_var, axis, pos))
[docs] @check_input def eval(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: aux = anp.logaddexp(0, self.fn.eval(x)) return aux.reshape(self.output_shape)
@check_input def _alternative_jacobian(self, x: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: warnings.simplefilter("error", category=RuntimeWarning) if not self.fn.is_differentiable: warnings.warn("Composition of non affine functions. The Jacobian/subgradient may be not correct.") val = self.fn.eval(x).flatten() try: p1 = np.diag((1/(1+np.exp(val))).flatten()) p2 = np.diag((np.exp(val)).flatten()) except RuntimeWarning: # check for overflows p1 = np.diag(val) p2 = np.diag(val) for idx, value in enumerate(val): if value > 600: p1[idx, idx] = 0 p2[idx, idx] = np.nan_to_num(np.inf) else: p1[idx, idx] = 1/(1+np.exp(value)) p2[idx, idx] = np.exp(value) p3 = self.fn.jacobian(x, **kwargs) return p1 @ (p2 @ p3)