Source code for disropt.functions.variable

import numpy as np
import warnings
from .abstract_function import AbstractFunction
from .affine_form import AffineForm
from .utilities import check_input

[docs]class Variable(AffineForm): """Variable, basic function .. math:: f(x) = x with :math:`x\\in \\mathbb{R}^{n}` Args: n (int): dimension of the decision variable: (n,1) Raises: TypeError: input dimension must be an int """ def __init__(self, n: int): if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError("Input must be an int") self.input_shape = (n, 1) self.output_shape = (n, 1) # affine parameters self.A = np.eye(self.input_shape[0]) self.b = np.zeros(self.output_shape) self.fn = self self.differentiable = True self.affine = True super(AffineForm, self).__init__() import cvxpy as cvx self.cvx_var = cvx.Variable(self.input_shape[0], var_id=0) def _expression(self): expression = self.__class__.__name__+'{}'.format(self.input_shape) return expression def _to_cvxpy(self): return self.cvx_var
[docs] @check_input def eval(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return x.reshape(self.output_shape)
def _extend_variable(self, n_var, axis, pos): if axis != 0: raise NotImplementedError("Only axis=0 is supported") n = self.input_shape[0] A = np.zeros((n + n_var, n)) A[pos:pos+n, :] = np.eye(n) return A @ Variable(n + n_var)