Source code for disropt.problems.conv_milp

import numpy as np
from . import MixedIntegerLinearProblem, LinearProblem
from ..functions import AffineForm, Variable
from ..functions.affine_form import aggregate_affine_form
from ..constraints import Constraint, AbstractSet

[docs]class ConvexifiedMILP(MixedIntegerLinearProblem): """Solve a convexified Mixed-Integer Linear Problem of the form: .. math:: \\text{minimize } & c^\\top x + M \\rho \\text{subject to } & x \\in \mathrm{conv}(X), \:\\rho \\geq 0 & Ax \\leq y + \\rho \mathbf{1} where the set :math:`X` is a compact mixed-integer polyhedral set defined by equality and inequality constraints. Moreover, :math:`\\rho` is a scalar, :math:`y \in \mathbb{R}^{m}` is a vector and :math:`A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \\times n}` is a constraint matrix. """ def __init__(self, objective_function: AffineForm, y: np.ndarray, A: np.ndarray, constraints: list = None, integer_vars: list = None, binary_vars: list = None, **kwargs): """initialize the class Args: objective_function (AffineForm): linear cost function :math:`c^\\top x` y (np.ndarray): value of the vector :math:`y` A (np.ndarray): constraint matrix constraints (list): equality and inequality constraints describing the set :math:`X` integer_vars (list, optional): list of integer variables in the set :math:`X` binary_vars (list, optional): list of binary variables in the set :math:`X` """ super().__init__(objective_function=objective_function, constraints=constraints, integer_vars=integer_vars, binary_vars=binary_vars, **kwargs) # check inputs if not isinstance(y, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("y must be an instance of numpy.ndarray") if not isinstance(A, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("A must be an instance of numpy.ndarray") # check dimensions if y.ndim > 2 or (y.ndim == 2 and y.shape[1] > 1): raise ValueError("y must be 1-dimensional or a 2-dimensional column vector") if A.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("A must be 2-dimensional matrix") if y.shape[0] != A.shape[0]: raise ValueError("The number of rows of y and A must coincide") if objective_function.input_shape[0] != A.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The number of variables in objective_function must coincide with the number of columns of A") # save data self.nvars = A.shape[1] # number of optimization variables self.nconstr = A.shape[0] # number of inequality constraints self.y = np.copy(y) self.A = np.copy(A) if y.ndim == 1: self.y = self.y[:, None] # initialize more data self.last_mu = np.zeros((self.nconstr, 1)) self.x = Variable(self.nvars) # symbolic primal variable self.dual_var = Variable(self.nconstr + 1) # symbolic dual variable: [mu, epigraph] # prepare MILP problem self.c = objective_function.get_parameters()[0] # primal cost vector self.lagr_cost = (self.c + self.A.T @ self.last_mu) @ self.x # cost function of Lagrangian self.milp = MixedIntegerLinearProblem(objective_function=self.lagr_cost, constraints=constraints, integer_vars=integer_vars, binary_vars=binary_vars) # lagrangian MILP problem # prepare LP problem self.lp_cost = np.vstack((self.y, 1)) @ self.dual_var
[docs] def solve(self, M: float, milp_solver=None, initial_dual_solution: np.ndarray = None, return_only_solution: bool = True, y: np.ndarray = None, max_cutting_planes: int = None, cutting_planes: np.ndarray = None, threshold_convergence: float = 1e-8, max_iterations: int = 1000): """Solve the problem using a custom dual cutting-plane algorithm Args: M (float): value of the parameter :math:`M` milp_solver (str, optional): MILP solver to use. Defaults to None (use default solver). initial_dual_solution (numpy.ndarray, optional): Initial dual value for warm start. Defaults to None. return_only_solution (bool, optional): if True, returns only solution, otherwise returns more information. Defaults to True. y (np.ndarray, optional): value to override the current y. Defaults to None (keep current value). max_cutting_planes (int, optional): maximum number of stored cutting planes. Defaults to None (disabled). cutting_planes (numpy.ndarray, optional): cutting planes for warm start previously returned by this function. Defaults to None. threshold_convergence (float, optional): threshold for convergence detection. Defaults to 1e-8. max_iterations (int, optional): maximum number of iterations performed by algorithm. Defaults to 1e3. Returns: tuple: primal solution tuple (x, rho) if return_only_solution = True, otherwise (primal solution tuple, optimal cost, dual solution, cutting planes, number of iterations) """ # check parameters if max_cutting_planes is not None and (not isinstance(max_cutting_planes, int) or max_cutting_planes <= 0): raise TypeError("max_cutting_planes must be either None or a positive integer") if not isinstance(max_iterations, int) or max_iterations <= 0: raise TypeError("max_iterations must be a positive integer") if not isinstance(threshold_convergence, float) or threshold_convergence <= 0: raise TypeError("threshold_convergence must be a positive float") if milp_solver is not None and not isinstance(milp_solver, str): raise TypeError("milp_solver must be either None or a string") if not isinstance(M, float) or M < 0: raise TypeError("M must be a non-negative float") # check initial dual solution if initial_dual_solution is not None: if not isinstance(initial_dual_solution, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("initial_dual_solution must be either None or a numpy.ndarray") if initial_dual_solution.ndim > 2 or (initial_dual_solution.ndim == 2 and initial_dual_solution.shape[1] > 1): raise ValueError("initial_dual_solution must be 1-dimensional or a 2-dimensional column vector") if initial_dual_solution.shape[0] != self.nconstr: raise ValueError("The number of rows of initial_dual_solution and A must coincide") if initial_dual_solution.ndim == 1: initial_dual_solution = np.copy(initial_dual_solution)[:, None] else: initial_dual_solution = np.copy(initial_dual_solution) # check y if y is not None: if not isinstance(y, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("y must be an instance of numpy.ndarray") if y.ndim > 2 or (y.ndim == 2 and y.shape[1] > 1): raise ValueError("y must be 1-dimensional or a 2-dimensional column vector") if y.shape[0] != self.nconstr: raise ValueError("The number of rows of y and A must coincide") if y.ndim == 1: self.y = np.copy(y)[:, None] else: self.y = np.copy(y) # check cutting planes # cutting planes are row vectors of the form [A, b, x^T] # (each one represents a constraint Ax <= b obtained at MILP solution x) n_cut = 0 if cutting_planes is not None: if not isinstance(cutting_planes, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("cutting_planes must be either None or a numpy.ndarray") if cutting_planes.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("cutting_planes must be a 2-dimensional matrix") if cutting_planes.shape[1] != self.nconstr + self.nvars + 2: raise ValueError("The number of columns of cutting_planes must coincide with the sum of sizes of A + 2") n_cut = cutting_planes.shape[0] # initialize dual variable if initial_dual_solution is not None: # project onto positive orthant mu = np.maximum(initial_dual_solution, np.zeros((self.nconstr, 1))) else: mu = self.last_mu # check maximum number of allowed cutting planes n_allowed_cuts = max_iterations if max_cutting_planes is not None: n_allowed_cuts = min(max_iterations, max_cutting_planes) # discard excess cutting planes if necessary n_cut = min(n_cut, n_allowed_cuts-1) # pro tip: -1 to leave one empty slot for initialization # initialize storage variables x_store = np.zeros((self.nvars, n_allowed_cuts)) A_cuts = np.zeros((n_allowed_cuts, self.nconstr + 1)) # cutting planes b_cuts = np.zeros((n_allowed_cuts, 1)) # constraints mu^T 1 <= M and mu >= 0 self.M = M basic_lp_constraints = [ np.column_stack((np.ones((1, self.nconstr)), 0)).T @ self.dual_var <= self.M, np.column_stack((-np.eye(self.nconstr), np.zeros((self.nconstr, 1)))).T @ self.dual_var <= 0 ] # initialize cutting planes if cutting_planes is not None: # take only the last n_cut cuts A_cuts[0:n_cut, :] = cutting_planes[-n_cut:,0:self.nconstr+1] b_cuts[0:n_cut] = cutting_planes[-n_cut:,self.nconstr+1:self.nconstr+2] x_store[:, 0:n_cut] = cutting_planes[-n_cut:,-self.nvars:].T # initialize LP problem self.lp_cost = np.row_stack((self.y, 1)) @ self.dual_var ########################################################### # solve initial MILP self.lagr_cost = (self.c + self.A.T @ mu) @ self.x self.milp.objective_function = self.lagr_cost x = self.milp.solve() if milp_solver is None else self.milp.solve(solver=milp_solver) x_store[:, n_cut] = x.flatten() A_cuts[n_cut, :] = np.column_stack((-(self.A @ x).T, -1)) b_cuts[n_cut] = self.c.T @ x true_cost = self.lagr_cost.eval(x) - mu.T@self.y # perform iterations for k in range(max_iterations): # compute last index of cutting planes that can be used index_k = min(n_cut+k+1, n_allowed_cuts) # solve LP lp_constr = [A_cuts[0:index_k, :].T @ self.dual_var <= b_cuts[0:index_k]] lp_constr.extend(basic_lp_constraints) lp = LinearProblem(objective_function=self.lp_cost, constraints=lp_constr) solution = lp.solve(return_only_solution=False) mu = solution['solution'][:-1] # mu variable multipliers = solution['dual_variables'] approx_cost = -self.lp_cost.eval(solution['solution']) # solve MILP self.lagr_cost = (self.c + self.A.T @ mu) @ self.x self.milp.objective_function = self.lagr_cost x = self.milp.solve() if milp_solver is None else self.milp.solve(solver=milp_solver) true_cost = self.lagr_cost.eval(x) - mu.T@self.y # check stopping criterion if (abs(true_cost - approx_cost) < threshold_convergence): break # in case of saturation, free a slot for next cutting plane if index_k >= n_allowed_cuts: A_cuts = np.roll(A_cuts, -1, axis=0) b_cuts = np.roll(b_cuts, -1, axis=0) x_store = np.roll(x_store, -1, axis=1) index_k -= 1 # store new cutting plane x_store[:, index_k] = x.flatten() A_cuts[index_k, :] = np.column_stack((-(self.A @ x).T, -1)) b_cuts[index_k] = self.c.T @ x # save data and compute primal solution self.last_mu = mu lambdas = multipliers[0].flatten() # multipliers associated with cutting planes rho_star = np.asscalar(multipliers[1].flatten()) # multiplier associated with mu^T 1 <= M x_star = sum([lambdas[i]*x_store[:, i] for i in range(index_k)]) # primal solution x_star = x_star[:, None] # prepare cutting planes to return (duplicates are removed) cutting_planes = np.column_stack((A_cuts[0:index_k, :], b_cuts[0:index_k, :], x_store[:, 0:index_k].T)) unique_ind = np.unique(cutting_planes, axis=0, return_index=True)[1] cutting_planes = cutting_planes[unique_ind, :] # return solution if not return_only_solution: # TODO unify this return with the returns of other files # return a tuple with (primal solution, optimal cost, dual solution, cutting planes, number of iterations) return ((x_star, rho_star), np.asscalar(true_cost), mu, cutting_planes, k+1) else: # return only primal solution (x, rho) return (x_star, rho_star)