Source code for disropt.problems.milp

import numpy as np
from .linear_problem import LinearProblem
from ..functions import AffineForm
from ..functions.affine_form import aggregate_affine_form
from ..constraints import Constraint, AbstractSet
from cvxopt.glpk import ilp
from cvxopt import matrix

[docs]class MixedIntegerLinearProblem(LinearProblem): """Solve a Mixed-Integer Linear programming problem defined as: .. math:: \\text{minimize } & c^\\top x \\text{subject to } & G x \\leq h & A x = b & x_k \\in \\mathbb{Z}, \\forall k \\in I & x_k \\in \\{0,1\\}, \\forall k \\in B where :math:`I` is the set of integer variable indexes and :math:`B` is the set of binary variable indexes. """ def __init__(self, objective_function: AffineForm, constraints: list = None, integer_vars: list = None, binary_vars: list = None, **kwargs): """[summary] Args: objective_function (AffineForm): [description] constraints (list, optional): [description]. Defaults to None. integer_vars (list, optional) binary_vars (list, optional) """ super().__init__(objective_function=objective_function, constraints=constraints, **kwargs) self.integer_vars = [] self.binary_vars = [] if integer_vars is not None: if not isinstance(integer_vars, list): integer_vars = [integer_vars] if any(isinstance(el, list) for el in integer_vars): raise TypeError("integer_vars list must not contain sub-lists") for int_idx in integer_vars: if not isinstance(int_idx, int) or int_idx < 0: raise TypeError("integer_vars must be a list of non-negative indexes") self.integer_vars.append(int_idx) if binary_vars is not None: if not isinstance(binary_vars, list): binary_vars = [binary_vars] if any(isinstance(el, list) for el in binary_vars): raise TypeError("binary_vars must not contain sub-lists") for bin_idx in binary_vars: if not isinstance(bin_idx, int) or bin_idx < 0: raise TypeError("binary_vars must be a list of non-negative indexes") self.binary_vars.append(bin_idx) def __get_cvxopt_objective_parameters(self): """Return the objective parameter required by cvxopt Returns: numpy.ndarray """ c, _ = self.objective_function.get_parameters() return c def __get_gurobi_objective_parameters(self): """Return the objective parameter required by cvxopt Returns: numpy.ndarray """ c, _ = self.objective_function.get_parameters() return c.flatten() def __get_cvxopt_constraints_parameters(self): """Return the constraints parameters required by cvxopt Returns: tuple: (A, b, G, h) """ A = None b = None G = None h = None if len(self.aggregated_constraints) != 0: for const in self.aggregated_constraints: if const.is_equality: A, b = const.get_parameters() A = A.transpose() b = -b A = matrix(A, tc='d') b = matrix(b, tc='d') if const.is_inequality: G, h = const.get_parameters() G = G.transpose() h = -h G = matrix(G, tc='d') h = matrix(h, tc='d') return G, h, A, b def __get_gurobi_constraints_parameters(self): """Return the constraints parameters required by cvxopt Returns: tuple: (A, b, G, h) """ A = None b = None G = None h = None if len(self.aggregated_constraints) != 0: for const in self.aggregated_constraints: if const.is_equality: A, b = const.get_parameters() A = A.transpose() b = -b if const.is_inequality: G, h = const.get_parameters() G = G.transpose() h = -h return G, h, A, b def __solve_cvxopt(self, solver='glpk', return_only_solution: bool = True): """Solve the problem through cvxopt interface Args: return_only_solution (bool): if True, returns only the optimal variable. If False, returns also the optimization status Raises: ValueError: solver must be 'glpk' ValueError: optimal solution not found Returns: numpy.ndarray: solution """ try: import cvxopt except ImportError: raise ImportError("CVXOPT is required") try: import cvxopt.glpk options = dict(msg_lev='GLP_MSG_OFF') except ImportError: print("GLPK solver not found.") c = self.__get_cvxopt_objective_parameters() G, h, A, b = self.__get_cvxopt_constraints_parameters() sol = ilp(c, G, h, A, b, set(self.integer_vars), set(self.binary_vars), options) if sol[0] != 'optimal': raise ValueError("MILP optimum not found: %s" % sol[0]) if not return_only_solution: if sol[0] == 'optimal': status = 'solved' else: status = 'unknown' output_dict = { 'solution': np.array(sol[1]).reshape(self.input_shape), 'status': status, } return output_dict else: return np.array(sol[1]).reshape(self.input_shape) def __solve_gurobi(self, initial_value: np.ndarray = None, return_only_solution: bool = True): """Solve the problem through gurobi Args: initial_value (np.ndarray, optional): starting point for warm start (if possible). Defaults to None. return_only_solution (bool): if True, returns only the optimal variable. If False, returns also the optimization status Raises: ImportError: Gurobi is required ValueError: optimal solution not found Returns: numpy.ndarray: solution """ try: import gurobipy as gb from gurobipy import GRB except ImportError: raise ImportError("Gurobi is required") # create the model and variables model = gb.Model("milp") x = model.addMVar(self.input_shape[0], lb=-GRB.INFINITY) # set integer and binary constraints if self.integer_vars is not None: for ii in self.integer_vars: x[ii].setAttr(GRB.Attr.VType, GRB.INTEGER) if self.binary_vars is not None: for ii in self.binary_vars: x[ii].setAttr(GRB.Attr.VType, GRB.BINARY) if initial_value is not None: if not isinstance(initial_value, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("initial_value must be an instance of numpy.ndarray") if initial_value.ndim > 2 or (initial_value.ndim == 2 and initial_value.shape[1] > 1): raise ValueError("initial_value must be 1-dimensional or a 2-dimensional column vector") if initial_value.shape[0] != self.input_shape[0]: raise ValueError("The number of entries of initial_value and of the optimization variable must coincide") x[ii].setAttr("Start", initial_value[ii]) # set objective function c = self.__get_gurobi_objective_parameters() model.setMObjective(None, c, 0.0, None, None, x, GRB.MINIMIZE) # set constraints and update the model G, h, A, b = self.__get_gurobi_constraints_parameters() if A is not None: model.addMConstrs(A, x, '=', b) if G is not None: model.addMConstrs(G, x, '<', h) model.setParam('OutputFlag', 0) model.update() model.optimize() sol = model.getAttr(GRB.Attr.Status) x_star = model.getAttr(GRB.Attr.X) if sol != 2: raise ValueError("MILP optimum not found: %d" % sol) if not return_only_solution: if sol == 2: status = 'solved' else: status = 'unknown' output_dict = { 'solution': np.array(x_star).reshape(self.input_shape), 'status': status, } return output_dict else: return np.array(x_star).reshape(self.input_shape)
[docs] def solve(self, initial_value: np.ndarray = None, solver='glpk', return_only_solution: bool = True): """Solve the problem Args: initial_value (numpy.ndarray), optional): Initial value for warm start. Defaults to None. Not available in GLPK solver (str, optional): Solver to use ['glpk', 'gurobi']. Defaults to 'glpk'. Raises: ValueError: Unsupported solver Returns: numpy.ndarray: solution """ if solver in ['glpk']: return self.__solve_cvxopt(return_only_solution=return_only_solution) elif solver in ['gurobi']: return self.__solve_gurobi(initial_value=initial_value, return_only_solution=return_only_solution) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported solver")